
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Quality of finished meat products, their consumer properties are connected, first of all, with the physical and chemical and biochemical processes proceeding in meat systems, and also with technological features of their production. Management of these processes, optimization of processing methods for the purpose of increase quality of finished goods and, especially, improvement of their organoleptic characteristics, is one of the most complex technological problems of modern production of meat products. It is shown that water, in the course of activation in the cavitational reactor gains the unique properties connected with its changes at structural level, and use of the liquid systems containing kavitatsionno the activated water basis, allows to carry out bezreagentny, ecologically safe regulation of functional and technological properties of farshevy systems and finished goods. Besides, earlier unknown fact of significant increase of thermoresistance of biological active components of meat raw materials is established at its hydration by a brine, subjected to cavitational processing in the ultrasonic cavitational reactor that allows to keep thermally unstable substances possessing a high nutrition value both forming taste and aroma of meat products.

About the Author

O. N. Aniskevich
ОАО «Пинский мясокомбинат»


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For citations:

Aniskevich O.N. WATER TREATMENT IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2013;(2):44-49. (In Russ.)

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