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Comparative analysis of assortment and consumer preferences of children nutrition of domestic and foreign production in the market of the Republic of Belarus


At present, the world community pays special attention to the problem of improving the quality of nutrition of the population and, first and foremost, the children's community. The UN Declaration adopted at the Second International Conference on Nutrition clearly identifies the consequences of malnutrition in children: stunting and development, exhaustion, overweight and obesity. Among the most significant ways of solution, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations identifies: preempting all forms of malnutrition and malnutrition; providing consumers with reliable and accessible information that allows making rational food choices; fencing consumers and, especially children, from unscrupulous marketing and food advertising. In the Republic of Belarus, the problem of effective production of baby food is given considerable attention by the state. Production of this category is developing dynamically. At the same time, the domestic market share of domestic products is about 70 %. The article presents a comparative analysis of the assortment of baby food products of domestic and foreign production available on the market of the Republic of Belarus. Consumer preferences for this product category have been studied, and recommendations have been given to domestic producers to increase the competitiveness of their products in the domestic and foreign markets

About the Authors

V. V. Shylau
RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Shylau Valery Vikentievich – Ph.D. (Biological), head of the nutrition department

29, Kozlova str., Minsk 220037

H. A. Zhurnia
RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Zhurnia Hanna Alexandrovna – research fellow of the nutrition department

29, Kozlova str., Minsk 220037


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For citations:

Shylau V.V., Zhurnia H.A. Comparative analysis of assortment and consumer preferences of children nutrition of domestic and foreign production in the market of the Republic of Belarus. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(4):41-52. (In Russ.)

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