Investigation of polypeptide fractions of skim milk permeate obtained by ultrafiltration
About the Authors
V. S. MetelRussian Federation
Metel Vladimir S. – Engineer of the Center for Biotechnological Engineering of NCFU, Institute of Living Systems
I. K. Kulikova
Russian Federation
Kulikova Irina K. – PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Department of Applied Biotechnology, Institute of Living Systems
G. S. Anisimov
Russian Federation
Anisimov Georgii S. – PhD (Technical Sciences), Director of the Center for Biotechnological Engineering at North Caucasian Federal University
I. A. Evdokimov
Russian Federation
Evdokimov Ivan A. – PhD (Technical Sciences), Professor, Head of the Basic Department of Technology of Milk and Dairy Products, FSAEI of HE «North Caucasus Federal University» at the Stavropol Dairy Plant JSC
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For citations:
Metel V.S., Kulikova I.K., Anisimov G.S., Evdokimov I.A. Investigation of polypeptide fractions of skim milk permeate obtained by ultrafiltration. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):80-85. (In Russ.)