Biogeochemistry of polyelement microelementhoses
The fundamental and applied questions of manifestation of animal microelementhoses, living in the conditions of coexistence of the biosphere, the technosphere and the noosphere are considered. The complexity of the genesis of microelementhoses in the background of the severity of deficiency or excess of certain biologically active essential trace elements is emphasized, The necessity of microelement monitoring of basic food and feed of local and imported origin is discussed. Examples of current innovations and technologies in the field of the environmental monitoring, prevention of biogeochemical endemias and microelementhoses are given.
About the Authors
V. V. ErmakovRussian Federation
Laboratory of Environmental Biogeochemistry
A. G. Moiseenok
V. A. Safonov
Russian Federation
Laboratory of Environmental Biogeochemistry
Yu. V. Kovalsky
Russian Federation
Laboratory of Environmental Biogeochemistry
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For citations:
Ermakov V.V., Moiseenok A.G., Safonov V.A., Kovalsky Yu.V. Biogeochemistry of polyelement microelementhoses. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(3):24-30. (In Russ.)