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The use of bean, cereal and nut raw materials in the technology of dietary products for allergic disease prevention and treatment


Food Allergy is a widespread pathology caused by the immune response of the body to the introduction of allergens into the diet and expressed in an inflammatory reaction in the organs and systems of the body, which leads to disruption of its work and the development of various diseases. The study of allergen-specific antibodies to the proteins of vegetable and animal origin revealed reduced sensitizing activity of proteins of soy, almond, chickpea (not more than 9-10 %) and increased sensitizing activity for cow milk (20-25 %), chicken, turkey (25-30 %) and fish (20-25 %). The purpose of research conducted in the Research Institute of Fats is to develop the theoretical foundations and principles of food technology for the prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases — cardiovascular, cancer, allergies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. For complex processing of oil, legume and nut raw materials, the technology and the equipment providing reception of two foodstuff — an emulsion (basis) and the insoluble residue (mass) are developed. Bean and nut based represent emulsion containing oil, protein, carbohydrate (including oligosaccharides), mineral substances, vitamins, etc. connection. In VNIIFATs it is developed a number of formulas and technologies for bean and nut based products for treatment and prevention of allergic diseases. Among them there are drinks, including fermented and juice; protein products such as tofu and cottage cheese, including with fillers; gluten-free lactose- free porridge; dry mixes — substitutes for cow and human milk, including formulas for children under 1 year, pregnant and lactating women; gluten free desserts; gluten-free muesli bars etc. It is developed regulation documentation for all products. Most of them underwent medical and biological testing.

About the Authors

L. V. Gaponova
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Fats”
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

T. A. Polezhaeva
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Fats”
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

G. A. Matveeva
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Fats”
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg


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For citations:

Gaponova L.V., Polezhaeva T.A., Matveeva G.A. The use of bean, cereal and nut raw materials in the technology of dietary products for allergic disease prevention and treatment. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(3):49-55. (In Russ.)

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