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Macro-element imbalance in nutrition of children of adolescent


Insufficient consumption of macro- and micronutrients leads to lag of children in physical, neuropsychic development, increased morbidity. In the study, based on a hygienic assessment of actual nutrition, 1 200 students of 10-12 years old (620 boys and 580 girls) studying in 9 schools and 9 gymnasiums of Minsk, using theoretical and laboratory methods studied the intake of macronutrients with food. A reduced, in relation to physiological needs, average daily calcium intake was found in 53.5% of students. Half of the examined children with a diet receive a greater amount of magnesium and phosphorus compared to their physiological need, which adversely affects the ratio of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and can be an unfavorable factor contributing to a decrease in the level of calcium absorption. An excess of potassium and sodium intake in Minsk students was found in 92.7 and 100.0% of diets. The actual intake of sodium with the diet is two times higher than similar estimates.

About the Authors

E. О. Guzik
Belarusian medical academy of post-graduate education
Russian Federation


A. G. Koleda
Belarusian medical academy of post-graduate education
Russian Federation



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For citations:

Guzik E.О., Koleda A.G. Macro-element imbalance in nutrition of children of adolescent. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(3):74-80. (In Russ.)

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