
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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The technological scheme of how the collapse of flax seed and its tempering


Linseed is a source of valuable food and nutrients. As such, in addition to oil, are protein and lignans. However, the content of these components is unevenly distributed over the anatomical parts of the seed. For their effective extraction, it is desirable to separate the anatomical parts of the seeds. For example, to obtain a high-protein product with a minimum content of dietary fibers, as well as raw materials (for the isolation of Lignan) in the form of shells, it is necessary to separate the shells from the cotyledons and endosperm (collapse). The technological process of seed collapse includes traditional grain processing operations of drying, crushing, sieve and pneumatic separation. For crushing of seeds were used centrifugal de-hulling machine (crusher). Next was applied the operation of sieving in sieves and pneumoseparation. The result is three fractions, one in the form of crushed kernels with an increased protein content (27 %) and oil (33 %), the shells (with a fiber content up to 32 %), the third in the form of a mixture of small particles of shell and kernel.

About the Authors

S. М. Zverev
VNII of grain and products of its processing-branch FGBNU «FNC Food systems V.M. Gorbatova» Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

V. A. Zubcov
FGBNU «FNC bast crops»
Russian Federation

D. P. Efremov
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zverev S.М., Zubcov V.A., Efremov D.P. The technological scheme of how the collapse of flax seed and its tempering. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(3):93-96. (In Russ.)

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