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New feed additive from the waste of cereal production for carp feeding


In the Republic of Belarus is grown mainly carp. Carp is an omnivorous fish and for this reason it digests grain well, especially wheat grain. However, in recent years, due to weather conditions, the volume of cultivation of feed wheat has decreased, and there was a shortage of such a valuable raw material component. The most valuable secondary products of food production are cereal flour obtained in the process of peeling, grinding and polishing cereals. Therefore, the aim of the work is to develop a comprehensive feed additive from the waste of cereal production, which will meet the physiological needs of carp juveniles. Six composite mixtures were developed, their amino acid composition was studied, the content of protein, fat and fiber was determined. Modes of extrusion of composite mixtures were selected. Laboratory feeding of carp juveniles with extruded composite mixtures was carried out. It was found that the best efficiency has a composite mixture containing 50 % wheat flour, 30% barley flour, 10% pea and 10% oat flour (composite mixture number 3). The hematological parameters of the blood of carp fingerlings were determined and it was found that the carp fingerlings fed with composite mixture No. 3 were in the best physiological condition.

About the Authors

Zh. V. Koshak
RUE «Institute for Fish Industry» National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Koshak Zhanna V. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, head of the feed laboratory

22, Stebeneva St., 220024, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

N. V. Zenovich
RUE «Institute for Fish Industry» National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Zenovich Natalya V. – Junior Researcher at the feed laboratory

22, Stebeneva St., 220024, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. Ed. Koshak
RUE «Institute for Fish Industry» National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Koshak Arthur E. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, senior researcher at the feed laboratory

22, Stebeneva St., 220024, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Koshak Zh.V., Zenovich N.V., Koshak A.E. New feed additive from the waste of cereal production for carp feeding. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(4):38-48. (In Russ.)

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