Technological aspects of buckwheat pasta manufacturing
After studying the assortment of domestic pasta products, a high prevalence of traditional pasta products from wheat flour and a small number of products using non-traditional raw materials was established. A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of the main components of buckwheat and wheat grains has been carried out, which has shown the benefits of buckwheat and buckwheat products in food production, including specialized food products with the therapeutic and preventive dietetic purposes. The aim of the research was to study the possibility of using buckwheat flour in pasta production. In the study standard and special methods for investigation of raw materials as well as semi-finished products and finished products were used, the glycemic index and the nutritional value of the obtained pasta products from buckwheat and whole-ground buckwheat flour were calculated. The swelling of buckwheat flour samples was determined, which allowed to define the modes of preparation of pasta dough from buckwheat flour. The granulometric composition of buckwheat flour samples was studied, which revealed differences in particle size and evenness of flour samples. The possibility of producing pasta from buckwheat flour using a method of pressing (extrusion) when adding some structure-forming ingredients was found. Modified starch and egg melange were used as the structure-forming ingredients. The influence of structure-forming agents on the process of pressing (extrusion), the quality indicators of pasta as well as their cooking properties, were studied. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained, the optimal structure-forming ingredient was determined, its amount in the recipe of pasta from buckwheat flour was established. The possibility of pasta production from whole-ground buckwheat flour with addition of egg melange as a structure-forming ingredient has been found. The glycemic index and nutritional value of pasta made from buckwheat and whole-ground buckwheat flour have been calculated, which resulted in classification of the developed products into specialized food products with the therapeutic and preventive dietetic purposes.
About the Authors
M. N. VasilevskayaBelarus
Vasilevskaya Marina N. – Ph.D (Technical)
3, Schmidt Ave., 212029, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
A. F. Tsikhanovich
Tsikhanovich Alena F. – Ph.D (Technical)
3 Schmidt Ave., 212029, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Vasilevskaya M.N., Tsikhanovich A.F. Technological aspects of buckwheat pasta manufacturing. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(4):65-77. (In Russ.)