Clinicalstudy of functionality of water saturated with oxygen
A feature of the chemical composition of oxygen-enriched water is the relatively high amount of dissolved oxygen in it, which distinguishes these products from similar ones. In this regard, studies in the field of the influence of additional oxygen in water on the functional state of the body during its daily use are relevant. The use of modern diagnostic methods of the human body made it possible to identify changes in the functioning of the human body systems due to the use of oxygenated water.
The article presents the results of developing a technology for the production of oxygenated water for children. The results of studies of the functional state of the body of adults (20–40 years) and children (15–16 years) with daily use of oxygenated water are presented. It was found that in adults an improvement in the energy supply of a number of organs and systems, in particular the spinal cord and the excretory system (bladder), was noted. In the body of children, an improvement in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, as well as regulation of the rhythmic activity of the heart due to increased autonominasia of the sinus node, was observed. The intake of oxygenated water also contributed to an increase in children’s physical endurance, expressed in the ability to perform more physical exercises over a certain period of time.
About the Authors
Z. V. LovkisBelarus
Lovkis Zenon V. — Honored Science Worker of the Republic of Belarus, corresponding member of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, Doctor of Engineering sciences, Professor, General Director
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
A. A. Sadovskiy
Sadouski Aliaksand A. — PhD (technical),head of the department of certification, metrology and quality system
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
V. V. Shylau
Shylau Valery V. — PhD (Biology), head of the nutrition department
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
N. I. Belyakova
Beliakova Natallia I.– PhD (Medicine), Leading Specialist of the of the nutrition
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
A. A. Zhurnja
Zhurnia Hanna A. — Research Fellow of the department of the nutrition
29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Lovkis Z.V., Sadovskiy A.A., Shylau V.V., Belyakova N.I., Zhurnja A.A. Clinicalstudy of functionality of water saturated with oxygen. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(1):36-45. (In Russ.)