
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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INNOVATIon Material Saving, low-power process of MANUFACTURING homogenized products and semi-finished


In the article the usefulness of cavitation in the canning industry was substantiated. was presented a method of manufacturing of homogenised microbiologically stable products for hydrodynamic (cavitation) static type batch installations type TEK-СМ, which are designed and manufactured in the NCPP "Tekmash", under the direction of Ph.D. Osipenko S. B. Principle of such systems is that squashed materials (to ensure adequate hydronic) is fed into the tank of installation. Raw materials from the tank pumped to a hydrodynamic module where lends itself to turbulent (or cavitation) influence, and then returns again to the reservoir and the cycle repeated. A comparative analysis of the developed and classical technologies was held. Has been studied the dependence of the degree and speed of comminution and heating of the product on the technical parameters of the installation, physical-chemical and biological characteristics of the processed raw materials. The results are compared with the corresponding standard values for infant and dietetic foods. The effect of the claimed method for processing for change of quantitative and qualitative composition of pectin, polyphenols and vitamin C was studied.

About the Authors

A. .. Bessarab
Национальный университет пищевых технологий

Y. .. Dashkovsky
Национальный университет пищевых технологий

E. .. Pakhomova
Национальный университет пищевых технологий


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For citations:

Bessarab A..., Dashkovsky Y..., Pakhomova E... INNOVATIon Material Saving, low-power process of MANUFACTURING homogenized products and semi-finished. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2013;(3):69-77. (In Russ.)

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