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Investment and innovation strategies of business entities of the «Belgospischeprom» concern for 2021-2027


he article is devoted to the directions of investment and innovative development of one of the largest holding structures of the Republic of Belarus - the Belarusian State Concern «Belgospischeprom» for the period up to 2027. The domestic food market in Belarus is characterized by a high level of presence of world transnational corporations, so the concern has to carry out constant and purposeful work to carry out in-depth modernization of existing production facilities, build new factories based on the introduction of the best technologies in the field of food production. In this regard, the role of an effective investment policy is increasing, which predetermines the investment and innovation strategies of the organizations that are part of the Belgospischeprom concern.

About the Author

A. V. Gerasenko
Belarusian State Food Industry Concern “Belgospishcheprom”

Alexander Vladimirovich Gerasenko, head of the department of legal and personnel work

st. Aranskaya, 6, 220006, Minsk


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For citations:

Gerasenko A.V. Investment and innovation strategies of business entities of the «Belgospischeprom» concern for 2021-2027. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(3):9-18. (In Russ.)

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