Application of membrane processes in starch production
The article describes the relevance of the use of membrane processes in the starch branch of the Republic of Belarus, and also recommends certain membrane methods for use at various stages of production. It has been established that one of the most important issues in the industry today is to improve the quality indicators of starch corn syrup produced by RUPE «Exon-Glucose». The results of studies of the process of electrodialysis purification of syrups and molasses are described, on the basis of which the degree of their demineralization increases, and also the color is improved.
About the Authors
A. А. ShepshelevBelarus
Shepshelev Alexander Anatolyevich — PhD (Technical), deputy general director for research
Kozlova str., 29, 220037, Minsk
А. V. Kulikou
Kulikov Aleksey Valentinovich — PhD (Technical), head of the sector of new technologies and equipment
Kozlova str., 29, 220037, Minsk
N. N. Petyushev
Petyushev Nikolay Nikolaevich — PhD (Technical), head of the technology department for root and tuber products and new technology
Kozlova str., 29, 220037, Minsk
А. A. Litvinchuk
Litvinchuk Alexander Arkadevich — PhD (Technical), senior researcher of the sector of new technologies and equipment
Kozlova str., 29, 220037, Minsk
А. S. Danilyuk
Danilyuk Aleksandr Sergeyevich — researcher of the sector of new technologies and equipment
Kozlova str., 29, 220037, Minsk
D. A. Zaichenko
Zaichenko Dmitry Alexandrovich — PhD (Technical), deputy general director for innovative work - head of the department of new technologies and equipment
Kozlova str., 29, 220037, Minsk
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For citations:
Shepshelev A.А., Kulikou А.V., Petyushev N.N., Litvinchuk А.A., Danilyuk А.S., Zaichenko D.A. Application of membrane processes in starch production. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(1):61-66. (In Russ.)