Influence of autolytic flour activity on volume of rye bakery products
The article presents studies of the quality of rye bakery products made from seeded rye flour with different indicators of autolytic activity and falling numbers. The physicochemical indicators of the quality of finished products (moisture, acidity, porosity) have been determined and the volume of molded products. The issues of the influence of autolytic activity on the volume and dimensional stability of finished bakery products are considered. The dynamics of changes in the volume of tinned breads from seeded rye flour with the same falling number depending on the autolytic activity of seeded rye flour was revealed.
About the Authors
N. S. LaptenokBelarus
Laptenok Natalia Sergeevna — PhD (Technical), Director.
30 Rakovskaya St., 220004, Minsk
T. V. Ivashkevich
Ivashkevich Tatiana Valeryevnа — leading specialist (chemist) testing laboratory of Scientific and production.
Rakovskaya St., 30, 220004, Minsk
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For citations:
Laptenok N.S., Ivashkevich T.V. Influence of autolytic flour activity on volume of rye bakery products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(2):21-25. (In Russ.)