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Нighly active proteases for obtaining enzymatic dairy protein hydrolysates with different hydrolysis degree


The features of bovine whey protein hydrolysis with bacterial endopeptidascs alcalase and protozyme were studied. А comparative analysis ofthe protein-peptide рrofile of enzymatic whey hydrolysates was canied out. The effect of substrate heat pretreatment and the degree of its hydrolysis on the level of antioxidant activity of whey peptides was established. It was shown that heat pretreatment of whey proteins and hydrolysis at optimized conditions resulted in higher degree of their hydrolysis with protozyme, obtaining hypoallergenic proteolysis products.

About the Author

Т. М. Halavach
Belarusian State University

Halavach Tatsiana Mikalaevna, PhD (Biology), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of Research Laboratory of Applied Biology, Department of General Ecology and Methods of Biology Teaching, Faculty of Biology

4, Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk 220030


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For citations:

Halavach Т.М. Нighly active proteases for obtaining enzymatic dairy protein hydrolysates with different hydrolysis degree. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(2):56-63. (In Russ.)

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