Preparation of Technology for the Production of Energy Specialized Food Product
The article describes the stages of preparing technology for the production of energy specialized food products. A classification of machines and apparatus for molding small-piece food products is given. Based on the research results, a list of technological operations and a design diagram of a machine for the production of specialized food products are given.
About the Authors
Z. V. LovkisBelarus
Lovkis Zenon Valentinovich, Honored Science Worker of the Repubhc of Belarus, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Engineering sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher
29 Kozlova sir., 220037, Minsk
L. V. Evtushevskaya
Evtushevskaya Lyudmila Vladimirovna, PhD (Engineering), senior researcher of the department of technologies for products from root crops
29 Kozlova St., 220037, Minsk
S. S. Galgo
Galgo Sergey Sergeevich, part-time postgraduate student
99, Independence Ave., 220012, Minsk
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For citations:
Lovkis Z.V., Evtushevskaya L.V., Galgo S.S. Preparation of Technology for the Production of Energy Specialized Food Product. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(4):44-47. (In Russ.)