About the Authors
M. I. PachytskayaBelarus
V. P. Suboch
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4. Pongsuriya Komthong et al.,2006. Pongsuriya Komthong, Tatsuo Katoh, Noriyuki Igura, Mitsuya Shimoda. Changes in the odours of apple juice during enzymatic browning. Food Quality and Preference, № 17 (2006), 497-504.
5. Komthong et al.,2007. Pongsuriya Komthong, Tatsuo Katoh, Noriyuki Igura, Mitsuya Shimoda. Effect of ascorbic acid on the odours of cloudy apple juice. Food Chemistry 100 (2007) 1342-1349.
6. G. Echeverr et al.,2004. G. Echeverr , J. Graell, M.L. López, I. Lara. Volatile production, quality and aroma-related enzyme activities during maturation of ‘Fuji’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology 31 (2004) 217-227.
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8. Joana Salta, Alice Martins, Rui G. Santos, Nuno R. Neng, José M. F. Nogueira, Jorge Justino. Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of Rocha pear and other pear cultivars - A comparative study. J Funct Food. Journal of Functional Foods. 04/2010; 2(2):153-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2010.02.002.
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For citations:
Pachytskaya M.I., Suboch V.P. USE CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHODS FOR RESEARCH COMPONENT COMPOSITION OF APPLES AND PEARS. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2015;(4):53-58. (In Russ.)