
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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A balanced diet is the Foundation of health, the main factor determining longevity and performance of a person, contributes to the preservation of natural and acquired immunity of man to disease and stress. The article presents modern ideas about healthy eating, food pyramid, and evidence-based recommendations on the consumption of major food groups.

About the Authors

Z. V. Lovkis
РУП «Научно-практический центр Национальной академии наук Беларуси по продовольствию»

V. V. Shylau
РУП «Научно-практический центр Национальной академии наук Беларуси по продовольствию»

V. G. Tsygankou
РУП «Научно-практический центр гигиены»


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For citations:

Lovkis Z.V., Shylau V.V., Tsygankou V.G. SCIENCE, NUTRITION AND HEALTH. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2017;(2):4-12. (In Russ.)

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