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Quality control of oilseeds based on pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance


The article describes the developed method for oilseeds (sunflower seeds and flax)quality control by the content of characteristic fatty acids, based on the pulsed NMR method. A description of the main distinctive features of the developed and known chromatographic methods for determining the mass fraction of characteristic fatty acids in oilseedsis given. Comparative results of the determination of the mass fraction of oleic acid in sunflower seed oil and linolenic oil in flax seed oil by known and developed method are presented.

About the Authors

O. S. Agafonov
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «V.S. Pustovoitov All-Russia Research Institute Of Oil Crops»
Russian Federation

Agafonov Oleg Sergeevich — cand. of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Physical Methods of Research

350038, city Krasnodar, Filatov str., 17

E. P. Franko
Educational institution“Belarusian State Agrarian and Technical University”

Franko Evgeniya Petrovna — cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovative Development of the Agroindustrial Complex

220023, Minsk, Independence Avenue, 99


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For citations:

Agafonov O.S., Franko E.P. Quality control of oilseeds based on pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(2):30-36. (In Russ.)

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