The elements of the HACCP system in the production boiled-smoked sausages
The analysis of the technological process of production of boiled-smoked sausages has shown that the main controlled parameters of the process on different stages are the temperature and humidity. In order to monitor the technological process of production of boiled-smoked sausages, the scheme of the process of production of boiled-smoked sausages is subject to critical control points and the HACCP worksheet is developed, which contains the controlled parameters and their limits. Given that a parameter such as temperature has a control boundary tolerance ± 1оС, therearises aquestion of the accuracy of the measuring instruments used for control. The analysis of control means has shown that the measurement error should be within no more than ± 0,3оС and even less, taking into account the aging of the measuring instrument.
In order to assess compliance with the requirements for metrological support of critical control points, it is proposed to find a correspondence between the assigned limits and the possibility of real measuring instruments to carry out a reliable control. For the purpose of detection of nonconformities in the process of quality management system, there was developed the form of the matrix of responsibility and authority distribution of personnel to perform corrective actions.
About the Authors
O. A. LeonovRussian Federation
Leonov Oleg A. — DSc (Eng) Professor of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management
127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya str., 58
N. G. Shkaruba
Russian Federation
Shkaruba Nina G. — PhD (Eng) Professor of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management
127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya str., 58
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For citations:
Leonov O.A., Shkaruba N.G. The elements of the HACCP system in the production boiled-smoked sausages. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(2):44-52. (In Russ.)