Prospects of using natural potato starch in the confectionery industry
The distribution of the particle size of native starch from 5 μm to 45 μm is optimal for use in food compositions with a continuous aqueous phase. It is proposed to add to the process of obtaining native potato starch the step of filtering the starch suspension in order to separate the starch particles in size into fractions. Membrane filtration is the preferred method of dividing native granular potato starch granules by size into fractions. The principle of the process of filtration of starch suspension is considered on the example of the operation of the simplest filter.
About the Authors
Z. V. LovkisBelarus
Lovkis Zenon Valentinovich – Director General, corresponding member National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, dr. tech. sciences, professor, honored scientist of the Republic of Belarus
220037, Minsk, ul. Kozlova, d. 29
A. I. Ermakov
Ermakov Alexey I – Ph.D. (engineering), Associate Professor
65, Nezavisimosty avenue, 220013, Minsk
A. A. Zabolotets
Zabolotets Anastasiya A. – M.S., Senior Lecturer
65, Nezavisimosty avenue, 220013, Minsk
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For citations:
Lovkis Z.V., Ermakov A.I., Zabolotets A.A. Prospects of using natural potato starch in the confectionery industry. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(3):19-30. (In Russ.)