
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Application of the descriptor and profile method of the tasting analysis when modelling consumer properties of polymalt extracts


Researches on the influence of ingredient composition on consumer properties of malt extracts are presented in the article. The possibility of application of a descriptor and profile method for modeling of consumer properties of polymalt extracts is established. The technique of design of polymalt extract allowing to show qualitative characteristics of extract in quantitative expression is developed. The evident model of consumer properties of polymalt extracts is created, the intensity and the importance of each descriptor is defined. The «ideal» portrait of polymalt extract is developed taking into account of strengths and weaknesses of a product, allowing to simulate sensory acceptance of product characteristics and to correct undesirable savours and tastes at a stage of development of extracts.

About the Authors

M. L. Mikulinich
Educational institution «Mogilev state University of food»

Mikulinich Marina Leonidovna – PhD in Technological Sciences, associate Professor the department of merchandizing and organization of trade

3, Schmidt Ave, Mogilev 212027

S. L. Masansky
Educational institution «Mogilev state University of food»

Masansky Sergey Leonidovich – PhD in Technological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Professor the department of merchandizing and organization of trade

3, Schmidt Ave, Mogilev 212027

N. Yu. Azarenok
Educational institution «Mogilev state University of food»

Azarenok Natalya Yurevna – Lecturer the department of merchandizing and organization of trade

3, Schmidt Ave, Mogilev 212027

P. V. Mikulinich
Educational institution «Mogilev state University of food»

Mikulinich Polina Vitalievna–student

3, Schmidt Ave, Mogilev 212027

A. N. Morgunov
Educational institution «Mogilev state University of food»

Morgunov Artem Nikolaevich – postgraduate

3, Schmidt Ave, Mogilev 212027


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For citations:

Mikulinich M.L., Masansky S.L., Azarenok N.Yu., Mikulinich P.V., Morgunov A.N. Application of the descriptor and profile method of the tasting analysis when modelling consumer properties of polymalt extracts. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2018;11(3):31-43. (In Russ.)

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