
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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The most important results of scientific activity of rue “Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” in 2018


New results of researches in the field of heat treatment of mixes, fats crystallization, structure formation of confectionery masses and other processes are presented in article. New technologies including technology of heat treatment of a grain mash of high concentrations on alcohol; creation technologies of new types of confectionery, marshmallow, fruit jelly, dry breakfasts, snacks; technology of the frozen formed products on the basis of vegetable raw materials; purification technology of diffusive juice in sugar production; the production technology of fermented milk products from sheep milk; technology of new types of meat products with the lowered content at 30 % of table salt; technologies of extrusive and bakery products for pregnant women and nursing mothers are developed.

About the Author

Z. V. Lovkis
RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Lovkis Zenon V. – Honored Science Worker of the Republic of Belarus, corresponding member of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, Doctor of Engineering sciences, Professor, General Director

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk


1. Lovkis, Z.V. Gidravlika : uchebnoe posobie / Z.V. Lovkis, B.A. Kartashov, P.V. Lavruhin. - Rostov n/D :Feniks, 2019. - 383 s.

2. Social'noe polozhenie i uroven' zhizni naseleniya Respubliki Belarus' : statisticheskij sbornik / Nacional'nyj statisticheskij komitet Respubliki Belarus'. - Minsk : RUP «Informacionno-vychislitel'nyj centr Nacional'nogo statisticheskogo komiteta Respubliki Belarus', 2017. - 381 s.

3. Promyshlennost' Respubliki Belarus' : statisticheskij sbornik / Nacional'nyj statisticheskij komitet Respubliki Belarus'. - Minsk : RUP «Informacionno-vychislitel'nyj centr Nacional'no gostatisticheskogo komiteta Respubliki Belarus', 2018. - 193 s.

4. Lovkis, Z.V. Vliyanie konstruktivnyh i tekhnologicheskih parametrov rotornogo nagrevatelya na temperaturu nagreva vody / Z.V. Lovkis, S.I. Korzan // Pishchevaya promyshlennost': nauka i tekhnologii. - 2018. - № 4. - S. 81-93.

5. Razrabotat' novye vidy obogashchennyh pishchevyh koncentratov s ispol'zovaniem biopotenciala semyan l'na : otchet RUP «Nauchno-prakticheskij centr Nacional'noj akademii nauk Belarusi po prodovol'stviyu» (zaklyuch.) / ruk. temy Yu.S. Usenya. - Minsk, 2018. - 126 s. - № GR 20164254.

6. Lovkis, Z.V. Innovacionnoe razvitee pishchevoj promyshlennosti: aspekty teorii i praktiki / Z.V. Lovkis, F.I. Suboch, E.Z. Lovkis ; RUP «Nauchno-prakticheskij centr Nacional'noj akademii nauk Belarusi po prodovol'stviyu». - Minsk : IVC Minfina, 2019. - 528 s.


For citations:

Lovkis Z.V. The most important results of scientific activity of rue “Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” in 2018. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):6-12. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)