Study of the peculiarities of cold acid hydrolysis of potato and corn starch
About the Authors
M. S. AlekseenkoBelarus
Alekseenko Margarita S. – Graduate, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research, Republican Test Complex
29, Kozlova street, Minsk
N. M. Novikova
Novikova Natalya M. – Head of Educational and Methodical Department
23/1, Dolgobrodskaya street, Minsk
V. V. Litvyak
Litvyak Vladimir V. – Dr (engineering), Ph.D (chemistry), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Technology Department
29, Kozlova street, Minsk
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For citations:
Alekseenko M.S., Novikova N.M., Litvyak V.V. Study of the peculiarities of cold acid hydrolysis of potato and corn starch. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):50-61. (In Russ.)