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Study of the peculiarities of cold acid hydrolysis of potato and corn starch


Temperature, hydrolysis time, type and concentration of mineral acid, as well as the concentration of starch suspension had a significant impact on the physicochemical properties (average diameter of starch granules and conditional viscosity). With increasing hydrolysis time from 2 to 6 hours, temperatures from 30 to 50 ºС, suspension concentration from 20 % to 40 %, the conditional viscosity of potato starch paste decreased from more than 1380 to 11.8, corn from 470 s to 11.6 s, while reducing the average diameter of potato starch granules is from 46.4 microns to 32.3 microns, corn from 35.2 microns to 17.0 microns. Hydrochloric acid had a greater effect than changes in structure and properties of starch compared to sulfuric acid. With the tightening of cold hydrolysis of both potato and corn starch (an increase in acid concentration, temperature and hydrolysis time), a decrease in the average size of starch granules was observed while simultaneously reducing the conditional viscosity of starch pastes. The most interesting technological regimes for application of cold acid hydrolysis of potato starch are the following: the concentration of starch suspension is 40 %, the hydrolysis temperature is 50 °C, the hydrolysis time is 6 hours, the modifying agent is hydrochloric acid, the acid concentration is 0,5 n. solution, and corn starch: the concentration of starch suspension is 40 %, the hydrolysis temperature is 50 °C, the hydrolysis time is 6 hours, the modifying agent is hydrochloric acid, the acid concentration is 0,5 n. solution. Acid hydrolyzed starch with the smallest average size of starch granules and the lowest relative viscosity of starch pastes can be successfully used in the food industry in the preparation of dry kissel mixtures, as well as for technical purposes: in the production of plasterboard products as a binder, as a dressing basis for dressing cotton mixed yarns, as well as in the production of fiberglass as the basis for sizing.

About the Authors

M. S. Alekseenko
RUE «Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»

Alekseenko Margarita S. – Graduate, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Research, Republican Test Complex

29, Kozlova street, Minsk

N. M. Novikova
Belarusian State University, International Sakharov Environmental Institute

Novikova Natalya M. – Head of Educational and Methodical Department

23/1, Dolgobrodskaya street, Minsk

V. V. Litvyak
RUE «Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»

Litvyak Vladimir V. – Dr (engineering), Ph.D (chemistry), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Technology Department

29, Kozlova street, Minsk


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For citations:

Alekseenko M.S., Novikova N.M., Litvyak V.V. Study of the peculiarities of cold acid hydrolysis of potato and corn starch. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):50-61. (In Russ.)

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