Studying of interrelation of the rate of demineralization of acid milk serum from changes in the voltage of the process
About the Authors
O. V. DymarBelarus
Dymar Oleg V. – ing., Рh.D, doctor of Technical sciences, assistant professor, Chief Researcher, technical director in the representative office “MEGA a.s.” (Czech Republic) in the Republic of Belarus.
M. R. Yakovleva
Yakovleva Mariya R. – student
3, Schmidt Ave., 212027, Mogilev
A. Merkel
Czech Republic
Merkel Arthur – engineer MemBrain s.r.o
Straz pod Ralskem
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For citations:
Dymar O.V., Yakovleva M.R., Merkel A. Studying of interrelation of the rate of demineralization of acid milk serum from changes in the voltage of the process. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):74-79. (In Russ.)