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The effect of bacterial culture in the production of sour-cream spreads


The article is devoted to the determination of technological regimes for the production of starter using a polyvidic bacterial preparation for direct vat inoculation for the production of sour-cream spreads. The main technological properties of starter at different temperatures of preparation were investigated. The temperature of preparation of starter ignificantly affects on the growth and metabolic activity of the fermentation microflora are showed.
The preparation of starter for the sour-cream spread on the basis of a bacterial preparation at a temperature of 34 С and its subsequent ripening at a temperature of 14 С for 5 hours ensures a high yield of lactic and propionic acid bacteria, the required level of acidity, flavoring substances and pronounced sour-milk taste and aroma was established.
The using of starter for the production of sour-cream spreads enriches the products with flavoring substances: diacetyl to 0.18-0.23 mg/100 g and volatile organic acids up to 29-37 mEq /100 g.
The microflora of the starter in sour-cream spreads promotes increases the intensity of extinction of the extraneous microflora, whereas in the sweet-cream spread, its development is limited was established.

About the Author

O. V. Bondarchuk
Institute of Food Resources, NAAN

Bondarchuk Oksana V. – Ph. D. (Technical)

E. Sverstyuka Street, 4a, Kiev, 02002


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For citations:

Bondarchuk O.V. The effect of bacterial culture in the production of sour-cream spreads. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(1):86-96. (In Russ.)

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