Food fortification — a global trend in food industry
Food fortification is a global trend in the food industry. The objective of fortification is eliminating of the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which covers the population, especial the socially unprotected groups. Food fortification is a cost-effective and efficient way to increase the consumption of essential nutrients by the population.
Many countries have implemented national food fortification programs. At the same time, fortification of food for mass consumptionsuch as flour, cereals and oil products, milk, salt, is mandatory, fixed at the legislative level. Biofortification is also actively used in the world practice to increase the level of supply of the population with vitamins and minerals. This process is relevant for obtaining agricultural products with a high content of native essential nutrients.
The indicators of the effectiveness of mandatory fortification are an increase of the consumption of vitamins and minerals in the population, a decrease in the proportion of people with inadequate consumption of essential nutrients, a reduction in the incidence of non-infectious diseases, economic benefits.
In the Russian Federation, food fortification is a voluntary process, and the range of these products on the market expands annually. The national project “Demography” was confirmed. The objective of this project is the control of quality and increasing the availability of food to the population, which helps to eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
About the Authors
N. V. ZhilinskayaRussian Federation
P. S. Gromovykh
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Zhilinskaya N.V., Gromovykh P.S. Food fortification — a global trend in food industry. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(3):31-35. (In Russ.)