
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Intensification of production of malt on the basis of biostimulation


The article indicates the need to intensify the malt production process by increasing the energy and ability of grain to germinate, reducing the duration of the malting process while maintaining high malt quality indicators. The relevance of the use of ozone technologies to intensify the process of malting and improve the quality of malt is substantiated. The procedure for conducting experimental studies to establish the effect of ozone treatment at the stage of soaking barley is described. The qualitative, technological and microbiological indicators of the malt produced with additional ozone treatment were determined. A scheme for the supply of ozone-air mixture with reference to the existing equipment of JSC “Belsolod” was developed. Calculated energy savings using ozone technology in the production of malt.

For citations:

Shepshelev A.A., Kulikou A.V., Litvinchuk A.A., Danilyuk A.S. Intensification of production of malt on the basis of biostimulation. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2019;12(4):53-58. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2073-4794 (Print)