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Influence of test temperature on strength, rigidity and bending of round matrixes for production of pasta


The article presents the advantages of high-temperature kneading and molding of pasta, while the heating of the matrix body reaches 110–120 °C, which causes significant temperature deformation (deflection) of the working surface. The application of the theory of elasticity in the temperature deformations of plates is shown for two cases: — the temperature of the matrix body varies along the plate thickness; — the temperature of the matrix body changes in the radial direction, while theoretical formulas are obtained for determining the curvature of a spherical curved surface, bending moments and the highest temperature stresses. The results of experimental studies to determine the deflection (warping) of prototypes of round plates with a thickness of 2, 3 and 4 mm and a diameter of 300 mm in two versions: solid and composite. Experimental formulas are obtained for determining the deflection of continuous and composite plates, while the dependence of the deflection of the plates on the degree of heating is polynomial. It is theoretically grounded and experimentally confirmed that round composite matrices (plates), due to the presence of a through concentric gap, have a smaller deflection of the middle surface, increased rigidity and enhanced strength of the housing. New technical solutions for composite matrices are protected by patents of the Republic of Belarus for inventions No. 17855, 18195, 19138 and 21246.

About the Authors

V. Yа. Grudanov
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Grudanov Vladimir Y. — D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Professor of Technology and Logistics Processes, Processing of Agricultural Products

99, Nezavisimosti, 220124, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. B. Torgan
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Torhan Anna B. — Ph.D, (Engineering), Assistant Professor of Technology and Logistics Processes, Processing of Agricultural Products

99, Nezavisimosti, 220124, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

I. E. Datsuk
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Datsuk Igor E. — Senior Lecturer of Technology and Logistics Processes, Processing of Agricultural Products

99, Nezavisimosti, 220124, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

P. V. Stankevich
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Stankevich Pavel V. — graduate student of the department of technologies and technical support of the processing of agricultural products

99, Nezavisimosti, 220124, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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9. Matrix for the production of pasta: Pat. 17855 of the Republic of Belarus. IPC A21C11 / 16 / V.Ya. Grudanov, V.M. Pozdnyakov, A.A. Brench, P.V. Stankevich; applicant Education Institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»; declared 04.21.2011, published 12.30.2013 // Afitsyiny bul. / Nat. Center Intel. Sat. — 2013. — No. 12 (in Russian).

10. Matrix for the production of pasta: Pat. 18195 of the Republic of Belarus. IPC A21C11 / 16 / V.Ya. Grudanov, V.M. Pozdnyakov, A.A. Brench, P.V. Stankevich; applicant Education Institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»; declared 09.28.2011, published 01.29.2014 // Afitsyiny bul. / Nat. Center Intel. Sat. — 2014 (in Russian).

11. Matrix for the production of pasta: Pat. 19138 of the Republic of Belarus. IPC A21C11 / 16 / V.Ya. Grudanov, V.M. Pozdnyakov, A.A. Brench, P.V. Stankevich; applicant Education Institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»; declared 01.27.2012, published 04.30.2015 (in Russian).

12. Matrix for the production of pasta: Pat. 21246 of the Republic of Belarus. IPC A21C11 / 16 / Grudanov V.Ya., A.B. Torgan, P.V. Stankevich; applicant Education Institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»; declared 02.16.2016, published 07.26.2018 (in Russian).


For citations:

Grudanov V.Y., Torgan A.B., Datsuk I.E., Stankevich P.V. Influence of test temperature on strength, rigidity and bending of round matrixes for production of pasta. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(1):63-72. (In Russ.)

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