
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Descriptor-profile method for determining the quality of samples of apple juice


The article presents the results of a quality assessment of nine samples of apple juice. At the first stage of research, the commission of tasters-appraisers developed descriptors of fruit juices. Based on a marketing research, consumer preferences were studied and significance factors for fruit juice descriptors were determined. Next, a fifty-point scale for assessing the quality of fruit juices based on the descriptors obtained was developed. Using the developed scale, we assessed the quality of nine samples of reconstituted apple juice, which resulted in the determination of an apple juice sample that scored the maximum number of points and approached the profile of ideal apple juice.

About the Authors

A. N. Lilishentseva
Educational Institution «Belarusian State Economic University»

Lilishentseva Anna N. — Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, head of the Department of Commodity Food Science

7, Sverdlova st., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. V. Smoliar
Educational Institution «Belarusian State Economic University»

Smoliar Anna V. — Master student of the department of merchandising food products

7, Sverdlova st., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Lilishentseva A.N., Smoliar A.V. Descriptor-profile method for determining the quality of samples of apple juice. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(1):84-94. (In Russ.)

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