The determination shelf life pastry bakery products from the yeast dough
Bringing quality products to consumers is the main task of retail and catering facilities. It is well known that during the storage of products from yeast dough there is a decrease in their quality. It is due to the loss of taste and aroma inherent in fresh products, a decrease in softness and an increase in the crumbiness of the crumb. In this regard, the establishment of optimal storage periods is one of the most important tasks that can guarantee the delivery to consumers of quality products that meet the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts. The article presents the results of a study of the quality of a new product from the yeast dough with a complex food additive (bun «Spring») during storage. The obtained experimental data allowed to establish the optimal shelf life of the buns «Spring» — 48 hours when stored in unpacked form and 72 hours — when stored in a package. The dynamics of vitamin C preservation in samples was also studied. It was found that at the end of the shelf life of unpacked products the content of vitamin C is 11.5 mg%, and packed — 9.7 mg%. This allows us to refer the bun «Spring» from the yeast dough to the group of enriched products (enriched with vitamins) in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Republic of Belarus.
About the Authors
M. M. PetukhouBelarus
Petukhov Mikhail M. — Ph.D. (Engineering)
26 Partizansky Ave., 220070, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Z. V. Vasilenko
Vasilenko Zoya V. — Ph.D. (Engineering)
3 Schmidt Ave., 212027, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
Е. V. Koliada
Koliada Elena V. — Ph.D. (Engineering)
26 Partizansky Ave., 220070, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
S. V. Pashuk
Pashuk Svetlana V. — Leading Specialist, Beltehnohleb, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
30 Rakovskaya St., 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Petukhou M.M., Vasilenko Z.V., Koliada Е.V., Pashuk S.V. The determination shelf life pastry bakery products from the yeast dough. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(2):21-26. (In Russ.)