Expansion of fish preserves range
The tasks of research for the development of the direction of fish processing in the Republic of Belarus have been defined. The food and biological value of pond fish grown at JSC «Fishokombinat» Luban «was studied. The general characteristic of the range of fish preserves and the direction of its expansion is given. Technological solutions for the production of fish preserves in tomato sauce and jelly have been developed.
About the Authors
L. M. PavlovskayaBelarus
Pavlovskaya Liudmila М. – Head of the Department of the Technologies of Canned Food Products National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Kozlova st.29, Minsk. 220037L. A. Hapeyeva
Hapeyeva Liudmila А. – Research Worker of the Department of the Technologies of Canned Food Products National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Kozlova st.29, Minsk. 220037
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For citations:
Pavlovskaya L.M., Hapeyeva L.A. Expansion of fish preserves range. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(3):21-27. (In Russ.)