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Monitoring of meat products presented in the consumer market of Minsk


In this work, we studied such meat products as boiled sausage «Doctor», sausage «\feal», cooked smoked sausage «Cervelat», sausages, canned meat made by domestic manufacturers.

The result of microbiological studies of the presented meat products indicates compliance with technological regimes and sanitary norms and rules in production, maintaining hygiene at a high level. In addition, all canned foods were tested for industrial sterility with a positive result.

All samples of meat products met the requirements of TP TS 021/2011 and TP TS 034/2013 for the content of toxic elements (Cd, As, Hg, Pb), organochlorine pesticides (α-HcH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, 4.4 ‘ -DDT, 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE), nitrosamines.

The specific activity of cesium-137 of the studied samples is much lower than the permissible level.

All tested samples can be considered safe in terms of antibiotic content. Preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acid), GMO, and gluten were not found in the tested samples of meat products.             The investigated meat

About the Authors

Z. V. Lovkis
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Lovkis Zenon V. — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, General Director.

220037, Minsk, ul. Kozlova, 29

I. M. Pochitskaja
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Pochitskaya Iryna M. — Ph.D. (Agricultural), the head of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

I. E. Labazava
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Labazava Iryna E. — Ph. D (Chemist) the head of the Microbiological laboratory of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

N. V. Komarova
Scientific-Practical Centre for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE

Komarova Natalia V. — Ph. D (Technical) the head of the Physical-chemical laboratory of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk


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2. About safety offood products TR TS 021/2011 - Introduction. 07.01.2013. - Minsk: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2013. — 156 p.

3. About safety of meat and meat products TR CU 034/2013 - Introduction. 05/01/2014. - Minsk: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2014. - 52 p.

4. Sanitary standards, the rules «Requirements for food products» and the hygienic standard «Indicators of safety and harmlessness for humans enriched foods» — Introduction. 07.16.2013. — Minsk: Approved by resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated June 21, 2013. — 2013. — No. 52. — 166 p.

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6. Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number of bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli (coliform bacteria) GOST 31747-2012. - Enter. 07.01.13. - Minsk: Mezhgos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2012. — 15 p.

7. Food products. Method for the identification ofbacteria ofthe genus Salmonella GOST 31659-2012 (ISO 6579: 2002) .- Introduction. 06/01/2014 . — Minsk International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2014. — 24 p.

8. Food products. Methods for the detection of bacteria Listeria monocytogenes GOST 32031-2012. — Enter. 04.01.2016 . — Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2016. — 30 p.

9. Microbiology of food and animal feed. Methods for detecting and counting sulfite-reducing bacteria growing under anaerobic conditions GOST 29185-2014 (ISO 15213: 2003) . — Introduction. 08.29.2014 .— Minsk: Eurasian Council of Standardization, Metrology and Certification. 2014. — 30 p.

10. Food products. Methods for identifying and quantifying Staphylococcus aureus GOST 10444.2-94. — Enter. 07.01.1996. — Minsk: Gosstandart, 1995. -14 p.

11. Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number ofbacteria of the species Escherichia coli GOST 30726-2001. — Enter. 07.01.02. — Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2001. — 7 p.

12. Canned food. Method for determining industrial sterility GOST 30425-97. - Enter. 07/01/1998. - Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 1997. — 16 p.

13. Guidelines «Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of lead and cadmium in food products and food raw materials by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry» MUK 4.1.986-00. - Enter. 01.01.2001. - Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2000. -13 p.

14. Food products. Identification of trace elements. Determination of total arsenic and selenium by atomic absorption spectrometry with the generation of hydrides with preliminary mineralization of the sample under pressure GOST 31707-2012 (EN 14627: 2005). - Enter. 01.01.2016. - Minsk: Mezhgos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2016. — 20 p.

15. Food products. Identification of trace elements. Determination of mercury by atomic absorption spectrometry of cold steam with preliminary mineralization of the sample under pressure GOST R 531832008 (EN 13806: 2002). — Introduced 01.01.2011. — Minsk: Mezhgos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2011. — 12 p.

16. Determination of the content of chemical elements in diagnosed biosubstrates, multivitamin preparations with microelements, in biologically active food additives and in raw materials for their manufacture by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma MUK 4.1.1482-2003. — Introduction. 06.30.2003. - M. Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2003. — 56 p.

17. Food products. Method for determination of cesium content Cs-137 GOST 32161-2013. - Enter. 05.01.2015. — Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2015 .— 12 p.

18. Determination of bacitracin content in animal products by ELISA using test systems manufactured by EuroProxima B.V., Netherlands. Measurement technique MVI. MN 4652-2013. — Enter. 06.03.2013 . — Minsk: RUE BegGIM, 2013. — 20 p.

19. Methodology for measuring the content of chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) in animal products using the RIDASCREEN® Chloramphenicol and PRODOSCRiN® Chloramphenicol MVI MN 24362015 test systems. — Enter. 12.30.2015. — Minsk: RUE BegGIM, 2015. — 34 p.

20. Food products, food raw materials. The method for determining the residual antibiotic content of the tetracycline group using high performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector GOST 31694-2012. — Enter. 01.01.2016. — Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2016. —24 p.

21. Meat and meat products. Determination of the content of organochlorine pesticides by gas-liquid chromatography GOST 32308-2013. — Introduction 01.03.2016 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2016. -12 p.

22. The methodology for the determination of nitrosamines in food products and food raw materials by high performance liquid chromatography - MVI. MN 3543-2010. — Introduction. 08/24/2010 Minsk: RUE BegGIM, 2013. — 26 p.

23. Food products. Methods for determining the mass fraction of benzo (a) pyrene STB GOST R 516502001. — Introduction. 11.01.2002 Minsk: Mezhgos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2002. — 24 p.

24. Food products. Analysis methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products. Qualitative detection methods based on nucleic acid analysis GOST ISO 21569-2009. — Enter. 01.01.2011 Minsk: Mezhgos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2011. — 148 p.

25. Determination of gliadin content in food using the test system «Ridascreen® Gliadin» manufactured by R-Biopharm, Germany. Measurement technique MVI. MN 4658-2013. — Enter. 07.01.2013 RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food», 2013. — 22 p.

26. Methodology for determining the concentrations of sorbic and benzoic acids in food products by high performance liquid chromatography MVI. MN 806-98. — Enter. 08/26/2006 Minsk: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2006. — 12 p.

27. Meat and meat products. Determination of the content of fat-soluble vitamins by high performance liquid chromatography GOST 32307-2013. — Introduction. 09/01/2016 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2016. — 12 p.

28. Method for the determination of amino acids in foods using high performance liquid chromatography MVI. MN 1363-2000. — Enter. July 14, 2000 Minsk: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, 2000. — 26 p.

29. Meat and meat products. Methods for the determination of fat GOST 23042-2015. — Enter. 03.01.2017 Minsk: Mezhgos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2017 .— 12 p.

30. Meat and meat products. Methods for determination of protein GOST 25011-81. — Enter. 01.01.1983 Minsk: Gosstandart, 1983 . — 12 p.

31. Meat and meat products. Methods for determining the content of sodium chloride GOST 9957-2015. — Enter. 03.01.2017 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2017 . — 12 p.

32. Meat and meat products. Moisture determination methods GOST 9793-2016. — Enter. 09.01.2018 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2018 . — 10 p.

33. Meat products. Methods for the determination of starch GOST 10574-2016. — Enter. 10/01/2018 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2018 . — 14 p.

34. Meat and meat products. Spectrophotometric method for determining the mass fraction of total phosphorus STB GOST R 51482-2001 (ISO 13730-96). — Enter. 11.01.2002 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2002. — 12 p.

35. Meat products. Methods for determination of nitrite GOST 8558.1-2015. — Enter. 03.01.2017 Minsk: International Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: Belarus. state Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2017. — 16 p.


For citations:

Lovkis Z.V., Pochitskaja I.M., Labazava I.E., Komarova N.V. Monitoring of meat products presented in the consumer market of Minsk. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2020;13(3):91-110. (In Russ.)

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