Pressing and drying pasta
The article is devoted to the topic of pasta and such technological processes of their production as kneading pasta dough, pressing or forming pasta, drying finished products. The characteristic features and defining parameters for each of the processes are described. The main parameters that affect the quality of the finished product for the technological process of kneading the dough are humidity, temperature and the process of vacuuming the dough, for the process of forming pasta – pressing pressure and humidity of the dough, for the drying process-temperature, speed and humidity of the drying air. The character of the dough movement in the screw chamber and the pressing head during the molding of pasta is described, the drying process of pasta is considered, the drying curve of pasta is shown.
About the Authors
Z. V. LovkisBelarus
Lovkis Zenon V. — Honored Science Worker of the Republic of Belarus, corresponding member of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, Doktor of Engineering sciences, Professor, General Director
29, Kozlova str., Minsk 220037
A. I. Grigel
Grigel Alexey I. — engineer of the certification, metrology and quality systems
29, Kozlova str., Minsk 220037
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For citations:
Lovkis Z.V., Grigel A.I. Pressing and drying pasta. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(1):43-49. (In Russ.)