Оptimization of technological modes of extraction of apple squeezes in the technology for the production of fruit distillates
The article presents the relevance of using apple pomace as a secondary raw material for the production of fruit distillates. The optimal technological conditions for processing apple squeeze by extraction were established, aimed at: maximum extraction of valuable components (sugars, acids, juice residues), prevention of extraction of undesirable components (pectins), prevention of oxidative degradation and microbial spoilage.
About the Authors
К. P. KulagovaBelarus
Kulagova Ekaterina P. — postgraduate student, junior researcher of the laboratory of microbiological research of the Republican control and testing complex for the quality and safety of food
220037, Minsk, Kozlova st., 29
A. A. Pushkar
Pushkar Alexandr A. — Ph.D. (engineering), Head of the Department of technologies of alcohol and non-alcohol products
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
O. N. Yudenko
Yudenko Olga N. — Ph.D. (engineering), Senior Researcher — Head of the Group for the Wine Industry of the department of technologies of alcohol and non-alcohol products
29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk
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For citations:
Kulagova К.P., Pushkar A.A., Yudenko O.N. Оptimization of technological modes of extraction of apple squeezes in the technology for the production of fruit distillates. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(1):50-61. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2073-4794-2021-14-1(51)-50-61