Analysis of some physical and chemical properties of yoghurt with bifidobacterium in Belarus
The values of freezing point, titratable and active acidities, conductivity, water activity, humidity, nonfat milk solids the of samples of market bioyoghurt were analyzed. They significantly differ from the same row milk indicators. So, they demonstrated lower values of freezing point, active acidity, water activity, humidity, and increased values of titratable acidity and conductivity, and nonfat milk solids.
A large dispersion of the studied products’ properties was found for each manufacturer production as well as between producers. Yoghurts with Bifidobacterium that were produced at the Brest region had the highest values of рН, nonfat milk solids and lowest values of freezing point and humidity. This fact evidences the manufacturer has a well-established technological process for the production of bioyogurt and traceability of raw milk supply.
The boundaries of the confidence intervals of physical and chemical properties both by individual manufacturers and jointly were determined. A close relationship between conductivity and freezing point in bioyoghurts of some manufacturers has been found. The dynamics of their changes in last years is traced.
About the Authors
I. V. PodorozhniayaBelarus
Podorozhniaya Irina V. — Master of Engineering, Junior Researcher
423, 52, F. Skoriny Str., 220141, Minsk
S. S. Vetokhin
Vetokhin Siarhei S. — PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Department of PhysicalChemical Methods of Products Certification
13a, Sverdlova Str., 220006, Minsk
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For citations:
Podorozhniaya I.V., Vetokhin S.S. Analysis of some physical and chemical properties of yoghurt with bifidobacterium in Belarus. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(1):79-92. (In Russ.)