
Food Industry: Science and Technology

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Oil and food industry. Review of fundamental research


The article presents the results of fundamental research conducted by RUE «Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» from 2007 to 2020, aimed at solving problematic issues of the fat and oil industry, developing new technologies and expanding the range of products.

About the Authors

K. I. Zhakova
RUE “Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Zhakova Kristina Ivanovna – Ph.D. (Technical), Scientific Secretary

29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

V. N. Babodey
RUE “Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Babodey Valentina Nikolaevna – Head of the Technology Department of Confectionery and Fat-and-oil products

29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. V. Pchelnikova
RUE “Scientific-Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Pchelnikova Anna Vladimirovna – Research Associate of the Technology Department of Confectionery and Fat-and-oil products

29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Zhakova K.I., Babodey V.N., Pchelnikova A.V. Oil and food industry. Review of fundamental research. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(2):60-73. (In Russ.)

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