Application of electrodialysis for purification of diffusion juice in sugar production
An analysis of the main production processes used in the sugar industry and ways to improve production efficiency is presented. In the sugar industry of the Republic of Belarus, an extensive way of increasing production efficiency is mainly used — improving the existing technological scheme mainly without introducing new technologies. This path carries low risks, but has natural limitations. The paper considers an alternative option for increasing the efficiency of sugar production, which is based on the use of new electromembrane technologies that complement the traditional technological scheme or partially replace its stages. The most promising and little-studied method of processing sugar beet processing products in order to increase production efficiency is electrodialysis. The aim of the study is to study the effect of electromembrane treatment of diffusion juice of various degrees of purification on improving the efficiency of sugar beet processing. The results of model tests of the electrodialysis process in real production conditions with a steadystate sugar production mode on a pilot membrane installation with a cation-anionic set of membranes are presented. The results of calculations confirming the effectiveness of the use of electromembrane processing in the technology of sugar beet processing are presented.
About the Authors
O. K. NikulinaBelarus
Oksana Konstantinovna Nikulina, Ph (Engineering) researcher, Head of the research laboratory of sugar production
29, Kozlova st., 220037, Minsk
O. V. Koloskova
Olga Vladimirovna Koloskova, РhD (Engineering), senior researcher
29, Kozlova st., 220037, Minsk
M. R. Yakovleva
Mariya Romanovna Yakovleva, engineer-technologist
29, Kozlova st., 220037, Minsk
O. V. Dymar
Oleg Viktorovich Dymar, Doctor of Engineering sciences, Professor, technical director
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For citations:
Nikulina O.K., Koloskova O.V., Yakovleva M.R., Dymar O.V. Application of electrodialysis for purification of diffusion juice in sugar production. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(3):51-61. (In Russ.)