Falsification of citrus juices
The problem of falsification of juice products today is urgent due to the fact that this group of food products is consumed by all segments of the population. Today, at the same time as the presence of a wide range ofjuices in the modern market, it is quite difficult to identify them and prevent falsification. As a result, there is a need to strengthen control over the quality ofjuice products and to develop criteria for the authenticity of juices. The article presents the results of the study of the quality of orange juices purchased in the retail outlets in Minsk. In order to identify and detect falsification, a comprehensive assessment ofjuices was carried out. The author determined the main indicators of the quality and safety of juices such as dissolved solids, titratable acidity, pH level, sugar-acid ratio. However, due to the fact that these indicators can be easily adjusted by adding organic acids, sugars and other components, a study was carried out of such indicators as the content of oxymethylfurfural and formol index, which are the most difficult to falsify. Standard and common methods were used during the experiment. The quality assessment also included an analysis of the causes of deviations that could be found during the study. These causes may be explainable properties of raw materials or technological features of production.
About the Authors
A. N. LilishentsevaBelarus
Anna Nikolaevna Lilishentseva, PhD (Technical) Sciences, assistant professor
7 Sverdlova St., Minsk
Tel. +37529-703-57-48
K. V. Borovaya
Karolina Vladimirovna Borovaya, student of the department of merchandising and examination of goods
7 Sverdlova St., Minsk
Tel. +37529-770-71-25
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For citations:
Lilishentseva A.N., Borovaya K.V. Falsification of citrus juices. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(3):71-78. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2073-4794-2021-14-3(53)-71-78