Nfluence of firming agents of structure of fruit and vegetables of tinned production
Results of researches on application of firming agents at manufacturing of the tinned production, providing formation of the set structure of fruit and vegetables are resulted. Laws of preservation of structure of tinned fruit and vegetables depending on a kind of used firming agents, regime parametres of processing by them of raw materials, calcium or magnesium maintenances in finished goods are established. Methodical recommendations about application of firming agents of structure of fruit and vegetables are developed at the thermal processing which use will promote improvement of consumer characteristics of a domestic production.
About the Authors
E. M. MorgunovaBelarus
Alena Mikhailovna Marhunova, PhD (Technical), Associate Professor, Deputy General Director for Standardization and Food Quality
220037, Minsk, Kozlova str., 29
L. M. Paulouskaya
Liudmila Mikhailovna Paulouskaya, Head of the Department of the Technologies of Canned Food Products
220037, Minsk, Kozlova str., 29
D. A. Safronova
Diana Anatolievna Safronova, the deputy the chief of department of technologies of conservation of foodstuff
220037, Minsk, Kozlova str., 29
T. I . Drobilina
Tatyana Ivanovna Drobilina, — the microbiologist of department of technologies of conservation of foodstuff
220037, Minsk, Kozlova str., 29
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For citations:
Morgunova E.M., Paulouskaya L.M., Safronova D.A., Drobilina T.I. Nfluence of firming agents of structure of fruit and vegetables of tinned production. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(3):79-88. (In Russ.)