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Specialized bakery products for the correction of nutritional imbalance in school-age children


The article considers aspects of the development of technology for the production of bakery products for the nutrition of school-age children with a low content of salt (sodium) and sugar, contributing to the correction of nutritional imbalance, prevention and reduction of risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The analysis of retrospective data on the actual nutrition and nutrient deficiency of school-age children of the Republic of Belarus is carried out, the ingredient compositions and individual indicators of the nutritional value of the developed specialized bakery products for the nutrition of school-age children are substantiated. The raw materials, the use of which is possible in the production of specialized bakery products for the nutrition of school-age children, have been studied. The influence ofvarious ingredients (salt, sugar, mineral complexes, inulin) in different dosages on the rheological characteristics, gas-forming and gas-retaining properties of the dough was studied. Based on the analysis of scientific, technical and regulatory literature, the ingredient composition and individual indicators of the nutritional value of the developed specialized bakery products with a low content of salt and sugar are justified. Technologies for the production of bakery products specialized for the nutrition of school-age children (drying, straws) have been developed. The parameters of conducting the technological process in production conditions that provide the appropriate organoleptic indicators of bakery products are established.

About the Authors

L. S. Kolosovskaya
State Enterprise “Beltechnohleb”

Larisa Stanislavovna Kolosovskaya, Director

L. I. Sevastey
State Enterprise “Beltechnohleb”

Liudmila Ivanovna Sevastsei,  chief technologist — 
head of technology and standardization department

S. V. Pashuk
State Enterprise “Beltechnohleb”

Sviatlana Vasilevna Pashuk, leading engineer-technological of the department of technologies and standardization

I. V. Birulya
State Enterprise “Beltechnohleb”

Irina Sergeyevna Birulya, engineer-technological of the 1st category of the department of technologies and standardization


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For citations:

Kolosovskaya L.S., Sevastey L.I., Pashuk S.V., Birulya I.V. Specialized bakery products for the correction of nutritional imbalance in school-age children. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(3):89-97. (In Russ.)

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