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Influence of drying regimes of mixed fodders with the use of fish hydrolysate on their biological value for sturgeon fish


The article studies the influence of the temperature of the drying agent on the biological value and structural and mechanical properties of the production feed for sturgeon fish, containing fish hydrolysate in its composition. It is obtained that with an increase in the final humidity of the granules, their hardness and swelling in water decreases, so with an increase in the final humidity of the granules by 37%, the hardness of the granules decreases by 47%, and the swelling by 67%.

It has been established that the temperature of the drying agent affects the biological value of mixed fodder for sturgeon fish with fish hydrolysate in its composition. It is obtained that with an increase in the temperature of the drying agent, methionine and lysine losses occur and at a drying agent temperature of 75єC they are more than 15%. With an increase in the temperature of the drying agent from 50 to 90єC, the content of vitamins decreases: vitamin A by 17.4%, vitamin E - by 10,5%, vitamin D3 - by 20,8%. It is established that in order to preserve the biological value of feed for sturgeon fish with fish hydrolysate in its composition, the optimal temperatures of the drying agent are temperatures of 60-70єC.

About the Authors

Z. V. Koshak
RUE «Institute for Fish Industry»

Koshak Zhanna Viktorovna — PhD (Engineering), associate professor, head of the feed laboratory

22 Stebeneva St., 220024, Minsk

A. N. Rusina
RUE «Institute for Fish Industry»; RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food»

Rusina Anna Nikolaevna — researcher of the feed laboratory of the RUE «Institute of Fisheries», postgraduate student 

22 Stebeneva St., 220024, Minsk

A. E. Koshak
RUE «Institute for Fish Industry»

Koshak Arthur Eduardovich — PhD (Engineering), associate professor, senior researcher at the feed laboratory 

22 Stebeneva St., 220024, Minsk


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For citations:

Koshak Z.V., Rusina A.N., Koshak A.E. Influence of drying regimes of mixed fodders with the use of fish hydrolysate on their biological value for sturgeon fish. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2021;14(4):63-69. (In Russ.)

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