Silver carp fish — raw material for the production of essential low-calorie food products
The paper presents brief biological characteristics of the main objects of pond farming of carp, white silver carp, mottled silver carp and their interspecific hybrids. The food value and chemical composition of the fathead meat and its use as the main raw material in the production of essential low-calorie foodstuffs are given.
About the Authors
E. V. TarazevichBelarus
Tarazevich Elena Vasilyevna — doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor of the chair of technology and technical support of agroprocessing of agricultural products
Independence Avenue, 99, 220023, Minsk
V. V. Vasilevskaya
Vasilevskaya Valentina Vladimirovna — senior lecturer of the chair of technology and technical support of agricultural products processing
Independence Avenue, 99, 220023, Minsk
A. V. Murog
Murog Anton Vladimirovich — student
Independence Avenue, 99, 220023
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For citations:
Tarazevich E.V., Vasilevskaya V.V., Murog A.V. Silver carp fish — raw material for the production of essential low-calorie food products. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(1):31-36. (In Russ.)