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Study of physical indicators and biochemical composition of seeds of belarusian linseed varietie


Under field conditions on the experimental fields of the RUE “Institute of Flax” 10 varieties of linseed of Belarusian selection were studied: Salyut, Brestsky, Opus, Ilim, Focus, Vizier, Alliance, Dar, Slavyanin, Bonus. The duration of the growing season was 80-86 days, plant height - 46.9-60.1 cm, technical length - 30.7-46.9 cm, number of capsules - 13.4-15.3 pieces, number of seeds in a capsule - 59.1-105.2 pieces, weight of seeds per plant - 0.342-0.600 g, weight of 1000 seeds 4.88-6.67 g, yild 79.1-117.9 g/m2. The study of the biochemical composition included the determination of such indicators as the content of oil, its fatty acid composition, the content of proteins, cellulose, ash content, vitamin B1, the mineral composition of seeds and was carried out at the Republican Control and Testing Complex for the Quality and Safety of Food Products of the Unitary Enterprise «The scientific and practical centre for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus». The oil content was 29.2-44.8%, the protein content was 19.80-21.72%, the cellulose content was 26-33.3%, the ash content was 3.087-4.164%, the amount of vitamin B1 was 0.43-0.70 mg. /100g. The composition of fatty acids of linseed oil of the studied varieties is dominated by α-linolenic (51.4-66.6%), linoleic (12.9-25.9%) and oleic (11.1-13.9%). The seeds of the studied varieties are characterized by a high content of such essential amino acids as isoleucine (5.3-8.1 mg/100 g), valine (6.7-9.4 mg/100 g), methionine (8.4-10.1 mg/100 g), phenylalanine (14.9-18.4 mg/100 g), leucine (14.2-18 mg/100 g). According to the mineral composition, flax seeds are close to the seeds of grain crops. The main elements are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium. The mass fraction of potassium was 10000.0-11500.0 mg/ kg, phosphorus - 6935.0-9045.0 mg/kg, magnesium - 2590.0-2810.0 mg/kg, calcium - 1790.0-2345.0 mg/kg. Thus, the chemical composition of the seeds of the studied linseed varieties is characterized by a high concentration of physiologically active components, essential structures necessary for the functioning of organs and systems, and the seeds are a valuable component for various processing industries, including food.

About the Authors

M. E. Maslinskaya
RUE Flax Institute

Maslinskaya Marharyta Evgenievna –PhD (Agricultural), Scientific Secretary.

27 Central Str., Ystye, 211003

I. M. Pochitskaya
RUE Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Pochitskaya Iryna Mikhailovna — PhD (Agricultural), leading researcher — head of the research group of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29, Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk

N. V. Komarova
RUE Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Komarova Natalia Viktorovna — PhD (Technical), the head of the Republican control and testing complex for foodstuffs quality and safety.

29 Kozlova str., 220037, Minsk


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For citations:

Maslinskaya M.E., Pochitskaya I.M., Komarova N.V. Study of physical indicators and biochemical composition of seeds of belarusian linseed varietie. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(2):26-35. (In Russ.)

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