Increasing the diffusion juice purification degree by the electrochemical demineralization process
The improvement of the diffusion juice purification technology is an important stage of the optimization of sugar beet production. To increase the efficiency of the technology of diffusion juice purification, it is necessary to intensify separate stages of purification of diffusion juice in the classical scheme with the achievement of the maximum possible local and the general effects of purification. The most perspective and insufficiently explored method of sugar beet by-products treatment is electrodialysis, which makes it possible to purify sugar solutions from electrolytes. Electrodialysis allows to regulate mineral composition of sugar beet by-products and reduce the negative effect of ash content on the technological process of sugar production.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mineral and organic composition of intermediate products of sugar production and study its changes in the process of electromembrane treatment.
Model tests of the electrodialysis process were carried out in industrial conditions at JSC “Gorodeya Sugar Refinery” to obtain data on the actual range of changes in the cations and anions content in the intermediate products of sugar production and its technological quality. The tests were carried out on a pilot membrane plant with a cationic-anionic set of membranes in a steady state mode. The demineralization process was explore on diffusion juices, juices of I saturation and sulphitated juices. It has been established that in the process of electrodialysis potassium cations are removed from sugar beet by-products by 94.4–98.5 %. Calcium cations are removed from the juice of I saturation by 93.6 %, from sulphitated juice — by 66.7%. At the same time, the purity of sulphitated juice increases by 4.1 %, juice of the first saturation — by 5.2 %, there is a decrease in calcium salts and α-amine nitrogen in the juice of the first saturation — by 93.5 and 95.8 %, respectively, in sulphitated juice — by 76.5 and 43.8 %. In diffusion juice, the decrease in the content of α-amine nitrogen is only 11.9 %, there is no decrease in calcium salts, a decrease in the total amount of non-sugars is 29.3 %, which gives reason to consider its processing ineffective compared to other intermediates.
About the Authors
O. K. NikulinaBelarus
Oksana Konstantinovna Nikulina, РhD (Engineering), Head of the laboratory
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”
research laboratory of sugar production
29, Kozlova st.
O. V. Koloskova
Olga Vladimirovna Koloskova, РhD (Engineering), senior researcher
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”
29, Kozlova st.
M. R. Yakovleva
Mariya Romanovna Yakovleva, Master of technical science, Process engineer
RUE “Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”
29, Kozlova st.
O. V. Dymar
Oleg Viktorovich Dymar, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Technical director
Melezha str., 5/2, room 1201
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For citations:
Nikulina O.K., Koloskova O.V., Yakovleva M.R., Dymar O.V. Increasing the diffusion juice purification degree by the electrochemical demineralization process. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2022;15(3):69-78. (In Russ.)