A new oil product for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases
The article presents the results of comparative studies to evaluate the effectiveness of refined deodorized vegetable oils (rapeseed, sunflower) and mixed vegetable oils, developed by the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food, with the participation of healthy volunteers. In the course of the study, it was shown that vegetable oil-mixture “Salatnoye” helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, i. e. has anti-atherogenic effect, and can be recommended for widespread use. A similar effect of rapeseed oil was noted to a lesser extent than vegetable-mixture oils. The study showed that the use of sunflower oil does not reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
About the Authors
А. М. MarhunovaBelarus
Alena Mikhailovna Marhunova, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, first Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus
93 Starovilensky tract
N. I. Beliakova
Natallia Iosifovna Beliakova, PhD (Medical Sciences), Head of the Department
Nutrition Department
29 Kozlova str.
V. N. Babodey
Valentina Nikolaevna Babodey, Head of the Department
Department of Confectionery and Fat-and-Oil products
29 Kozlova str.
А. V. Pchelnikova
Anna Vladimirovna Pchelnikova, Research Fellow
Department of Confectionery and Fat-and-Oil Products
29 Kozlova str.
Т. V. Akulava
Tatsiana Vitalievna Akulava, Engineer of the 1st category
Nutrition Department
29 Kozlova str.
H. A. Zhurnia
Hanna Alexandrovna Zhumia, Research fellow
Nutrition Department
29 Kozlova str.
V. V. Matsykava
Volha Vladimirovna Matsykava, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational Work
3 Schmidt Avenue
L. V. Mishkevich
Liubou Vasilevna Mishkevich, Head of the Department
Department for Educational Work with Young People
3 Schmidt Avenue
O. V. Krasko
Olga Vladimirovna Krasko, PhD (Technical), Head researcher
Bioinformatics laboratory
6 Surganov st.
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For citations:
Marhunova А.М., Beliakova N.I., Babodey V.N., Pchelnikova А.V., Akulava Т.V., Zhurnia H.A., Matsykava V.V., Mishkevich L.V., Krasko O.V. A new oil product for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(1):31-38. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2073-4794-2023-16-l(59)-31-38