Determination of dependence of technological parameters of composite matrixes and rational parameters of the process of pressing pasta
The article presents the advantages of using a composite matrix with forming holes concentrically spaced evenly over the entire plane in the process of forming short-cut pasta products compared to a serial (factory) matrix. The results of experimental studies to determine the dependences of the technological parameters of composite matrices are presented. Graphical relationships are obtained depending on the productivity of the press on the rotational speed of the press screw, the pressing pressure created in the matrix tube on the rotational speed of the screw, the change in the temperature of the dough in the tube depending on the pressure, the power of the press on the rotational speed of the screw of the press and the productivity of the press on the value pressing pressure on solid (serial) matrices and composite matrices. A technique for engineering calculation of the design parameters of the matrix has been developed to determine the rational parameters of the pasta pressing process. The calculated economic effect from the introduction of a composite matrix was made. New technical solutions for composite matrices are protected by patents of the Republic of Belarus for inventions No. 17855, 18195, 19138 and 21246.
About the Authors
V. Y. GrudanovBelarus
Vladimir Yakovlevich Grudanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department
Department of Technology and Logistics Processes, Processing of Agricultural Products
99, Nezavisimosti avenue
А. В. Torhan
Anna Borisovna Torhan, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department
Department of Technologies and Technical Support of Agricultural Processing Processes
Р. V. Stankevich
Pavel Vitalevich Stankevich, PhD (Engineering), Deputy General Director —
Chief Engineer
18 str. 30 years of Komsomol
Minsk region
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For citations:
Grudanov V.Y., Torhan А.В., Stankevich Р.V. Determination of dependence of technological parameters of composite matrixes and rational parameters of the process of pressing pasta. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(1):76-84. (In Russ.)