Features of the structure of food consumption bу the population of the BaIkal region
Over the past 30 years, the nutrition structure of the population of the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region, wblch are part of the Baikal region, has undergone significant trnnsformations. It has been established that nutrition in these regions is characterized bу а predorninance of carbohydrntes. Direct correlations between the gross regional product index and the consurnption ofbread products (Rs = 0.657; (0.30-1.27)) and potatoes (Rs = 0.641; (0,28 - 1,24)). At the same time, 41.0 to 43.0% ofthe population is affected bу this dependence.
About the Authors
I. Yu. TarmaevaRussian Federation
Tarmaeva Inna Yuryevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
2/14 Ustinsky passage, Moscow, 109240
О. G. Bogdanova
Russian Federation
Bogdanova Olga Georgievna, PhD (Medicine)
3 12a microdistrict, Angarsk, 665827
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For citations:
Tarmaeva I.Yu., Bogdanova О.G. Features of the structure of food consumption bу the population of the BaIkal region. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(2):40-42. (In Russ.)