Development of speclalized dairy products in the complex treatment of obesity aud protein and energy insufficiency
Based on the results of the research, а technology for the production of specialized food products using micellar casein "High-calorie protein mixture", "Low-calorie protein mixture" was developed. Guidelines for the use of specialized food products using micellar casein "Нigh-calorie protein mixture" in the complex treatment of protein-energy maJnutrition and 1 or sarcopenJa and "Low-calorie protein mixture" using micellar casein in the complex treatmcnt of obesity have becn developed.
About the Authors
Е. S. SimonenkoRussian Federation
Simonenko Ekm Sergeevna, PhD (Technology)
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra
S. V. Simonenko
Russian Federation
Simonenko Sergey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra
Е. S Semenov
Russian Federation
Semenova Elena Sergeevna, Research
48, Moskovskaya str,, Istra
Т. S. Zaletova
Russian Federation
Zaletova Tatiana Sergeevna, Clinic
21, Kashirskoe Highway, Moscow
Т. В. Feofanova
Russian Federation
Feofanova Tatiana Borisovna, Clinic
21, Kashirskoe Highway, Moscow
В. М. Manuylov
Russian Federation
48, Moskovskaya str., Istra
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For citations:
Simonenko Е.S., Simonenko S.V., Semenov Е.S., Zaletova Т.S., Feofanova Т.В., Manuylov В.М. Development of speclalized dairy products in the complex treatment of obesity aud protein and energy insufficiency. Food Industry: Science and Technology. 2023;16(2):43-48. (In Russ.)